
Strict Standards: Non-static method MainTeacherLectureUnit::getLecturesCount() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /var/www/studymac/lib/Web/www/MainTeacher.php on line 167

Strict Standards: Non-static method MainTeacherLectureUnit::getLectures() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /var/www/studymac/lib/Web/www/MainTeacher.php on line 172

Strict Standards: Non-static method MainTeacherLectureUnit::getLectures() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /var/www/studymac/lib/Web/www/MainTeacher.php on line 175

Strict Standards: Non-static method MainTeacherBookUnit::getBooksCount() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /var/www/studymac/lib/Web/www/MainTeacher.php on line 177

Strict Standards: Non-static method MainTeacherBookUnit::getBooks() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /var/www/studymac/lib/Web/www/MainTeacher.php on line 178
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- 현)해양경찰청 BSC성과관리 자문위원
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▶ 저서
- 사회환경과 경찰임무범위에 관한 상황론적 연구,인천대대학원,1998
- 2002 한일 월드컵 주요구역 경비실무 사례연구(공동),한국경호경비학회,2004
- 한.미 국가원수 경호조직 비교연구,한국경호경비학회,2004
- 경호학의 학문적 체계와 토대이론의 동향,치안문제연구소,2005
- 『경비.정보론』(공저) 경찰승진연구회, 2001
- 『경찰경비론』(저),경찰승진연구회,2004
- 『보안외사론』(저),경찰승진연구회,2004
- 『경찰윤리론』(저),경찰승진연구회,2003
- 『경호학』(저),백산출판사,2004